U-Röhren englische


©  Tube Collection Udo Radtke,

Hier sind die englischen U-Type Gleichrichter zusammengestellt.


Please use Google translater for other languages.


Typen / Types:

 U3, U6, U8, U12, U14, U15, U19, U27, U30,

Old Versions: U30 Vers.1, U30 Vers.2.

rot = Röhre + Foto eingebaut /  red = tube in collection + picture on Website
blau = Röhre vorhanden, Foto kommt / blue = tube in collection, picture in progress.
schwarz oder nicht gelistet = fehlt noch /  black or not listed = tube missing in collection.

The U3 is listed in the "Signals Experimental Establishment" Pamphlet No,18.  dated August 1919.  

The data is as follows:

Vf = 6.0 Volts

If = 1.5 Amps

Fil emission :100 mA

Rating: 27 Watts

HT Volts for saturation: 270 Volts

U4 is not listed in same document.

U3  Marconi-Osram    

U6  Marconi U8  Osram U12  Mullard

  U14 U15

  U19  Osram U27  Marconi

U30  Marconi U30 Mullard U30  Mullard

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In case there is something incorrect or should be added, please send me a mail.

Stichwortverzeichnis / Keywords